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Program registration

Who can participate at #científiques program?

This program connects women in science, both public and private. It is open to all these profiles: researcher, technologist, manager, entrepreneur, businesswoman, doctoral student, post-doc, etc. dedicated to research, scientific communication, valorisation, public policies or with functional positions.

How can we participate at #científiques program?

On the top menu of the website (Apply > as a #100tífica), you will find the link to the registration forms. If you have already participated in previous editions, please identify yourself with your username and password. This way you will only need to fill in the new fields.

Can we participate if we belong to a research organization or company abroad?

Sure, you can participate whether your organization is Catalan or not. In the latter case, choose the virtual mode and be sure to mark all the languages ​​in which you can give your talk.

About the talk

How do you assign the school where we will give our talk?

The #científica-school matching is done automatically by prioritizing modalities, mobility, languages, etc. The algorithm maximises matches, but the exact match is hard to achieve. Therefore, it is important to contact the centre we have assigned to you as soon as you receive the assignment letter by email (it includes your personal details and the information about the school, also available in your private area).

You should receive this letter about 15 days before the talk, with enough time to coordinate with the centre. It is recommended that you check your spam folder if you think it should have reached you around.

Talks take place generally on February 11th –International Day of Women and Girls in Science– at 11 am. If the day falls on a holiday, we will suggest another working day close to that date. However, you can always agree with the centre on the day and time that suits you best, within that week.

How do we prepare our talk?

During the months of January and February, we organise training workshops so that you can focus well on the topics and catch those that raise higher interest. The dates of the workshops will be published on the website as they are scheduled. Once the workshops registration is open, you will have a free place available by strict order of registration. However, you have reference materials at your disposal (workshops recorded, presentations of previous trainings, templates for the talk, didactic guide, etc.) on tools section.

Remember that your talk should tell your life experience and be inspiring for boys and girls so that they know that they can always choose science.

Should we give the talk in person or virtually?

You can choose the mode you prefer – we will try to prioritise it. Whatever the case is, schools are required to provide a videoconference link at the time of registration, so that they guarantee at least the possibility of doing it remotely.

If you have the chance to do it face-to-face, please indicate your margin of mobility in the registration form (throughout Catalonia or within a region).

 Whether the talk is face-to-face or virtual, please test the videoconference link provided by the school (you can find it in the assignment letter).

How long should our talk be?

Ideally, it should not exceed 1h in total (from the very beginning until the Q&A part). If you are teaming up with another scientist, plan a longer duration with the centre.

Whether the talk is face-to-face or virtual, it is important that you previously agree with the centre on the dynamics of the session.

How old are the students?

They are boys and girls from 6th year primary and 1st CSE (Compulsory Secondary Education, around 11-13 years old).

Managing my profile

How do we access our private area?

When you log in for the first time, and after our validation, you will receive an email with your username (registration email) and password. These credentials (username and password) will allow you to log into your profile’s account. It is recommended that you check your spam folder periodically during the registration process.

How can we recover our credentials in case of loss?

Your registration email is your username. If you forgot your password, please request another one here.

Where do we find the consent form to record the talk?

You can find it in your private area or in the tools section. You can download it from wherever you want, but please upload the form duly signed in the private area.

Why is it important to provide our personal data?

At the end of each regular edition of #científiques, we give you a gift in gratitude for your participation. We need your personal data, including your postal address, just to make sure it reaches you directly.


Program registration

Which schools can participate at #científiques program?

The program is aimed at 6th year primary and 1st CSE (Compulsory Secondary Education) students from public, private, and concerted schools in Catalonia.

How can we participate at #científiques program?

On the top menu of the website (Apply > as a school), you will find the link to the registration forms. If you have already participated in previous editions, please identify yourself with your username and password. This way you will only need to fill in the new fields.

There are fields for the centre identification and others to identify a person in charge, who will interact with the assigned #científica.

About the talk

How do you assign the #100tífica who will give the talk in our school?

The #100tífica-school matching is done automatically by prioritizing modalities, mobility, languages, etc. The algorithm maximises matches, but the exact match is hard to achieve. Therefore, it is important to contact the #100tífica we have assigned to you as soon as you receive the assignment letter by email (it includes your details and the information about the #100tífica, also available in your private area).

You should receive this letter about 15 days before the talk, with enough time to coordinate with her. It is recommended that you check your spam folder if you think it should have reached you around.

Talks take place generally on February 11th –International Day of Women and Girls in Science– at 11 am. If the day falls on a holiday, we will suggest another working day close to that date. However, you can always agree with the 100tífica on the day and time that suits you best, within that week.

How do we get ready for the talk?

In the tools section, you will find didactic guides with different proposals to work with students before the talk. You will also find a form to collect the impact on students after the talk, to fill in the classroom.

Remember that the talk should tell the scientist’s life experience and be inspiring for boys and girls so that they know that they can always choose science.

If the #100tífica gives her consent, you will be able to record the session – please note they will sign a document (in Catalan) giving her permission.

Should the talk be in person or virtually?

You can choose the mode you prefer – we will try to prioritise it. Whatever the case is, don’t forget to provide a videoconference link at the time of registration, to guarantee at least the possibility of doing it remotely.

Whether the talk is face-to-face or virtual, please test the videoconference link with the #100tífica assigned.

How long should the talk be?

Ideally, it should not exceed 1h in total (from the very beginning until the Q&A part). If the #100tífica is teaming up with another colleague, plan a longer duration with them.

Whether the talk is face-to-face or virtual, it is important that you previously agree with her on the dynamics of the session.

Managing school’s profile

How do we access our private area?

When you log in for the first time, and after our validation, you will receive an email with your username (registration email) and password. These credentials (username and password) will allow you to log into your profile’s account. It is recommended that you check your spam folder periodically during the registration process.

How can we recover our credentials in case of loss?

Your registration email is your username. If you forgot your password, please request another one here.

Where do we find the letter of commitment to participate at the program?

It is mandatory that you fill out the letter of commitment. You must download it and upload it signed at the time of registration.

This document can also be found on tools section.